
The EasyPost Mailroom Database Service is installed with every default Mailroom installation.

Refer to Installation for more details or to install on a separate server.


The database configuration file is found in "c:\ProgramData\EasyPost\db\config.json”.  The configuration file determines the location of database and backup files.  By default all databases will reside in c:\ProgramData\EasyPost\db in individual folders.

E.g.  a database shared by all users of an account will appear as:


Where configuration is set for users to have individual databases each user will have their own database folder.


Database activity is logged to "c:\ProgramData\Easypost\Log\svc\epdbsrv.log".

If experiencing any problems or issues Bing Customer Service may require additional database logging be switched on by using the ExtraLog field and setting to true.

Options and defaults:-

The following settings are configurable and are optional. A restart of the service is required following any configuration file updates.  By default the configuration file not exist and will use the system defaults.  To see the settings used by the database service you can examine the log file epdbsrv.log in the dbroot folder.

Note. If copying and pasting from this code snippet please remove the comments.  These are purely for documentation purposes and are NOT supported in JSON.

"DBRoot":"C:\\ProgramData\\Easypost\\db\\",   //database root folder
"BackupFolder":"C:\\ProgramData\\Easypost\\db\\db.backup\\",    //backup folder
"ServerPort":45678,   //tcp listening port
"MaximumConnectionIdleTime": 600,   //idle time before disconnection of idle sessions
"ForceIP4":false,   //forcing of IP version 4
"MaxActiveDBs":1024,   //number of maximum active databases
"MaxActiveClientsPerDB":1024,   //maximum number of clients per active database
"MaxActiveClients":4096,   //maximum number of active clients 
"ExtraLog":false,    //enable extra logging for troubleshooting
"RecycleLogSize":33792000,    //maximum log file size 33MB before file rotation, only 2 files are kept and rotated
"EnableEngineLogging":true    //enables ESE database engine logging in the application event log

It is important to note that databases MUST reside locally to the database service.  Setting DBRoot to a remote UNC path is not supported.

DBRoot should only be set to designated local drives and folder locations for the purpose of storing EasyPost Database files and logs.

Note. EasyPost Mailroom 6 has introduced circular transaction logging limited to 2 logs.


Is performed with a separate command line utility called the Database Tool or DBTool.  DBTool.exe is distributed with every installation of the database service.

DBTool.exe is located in

C:\Program Files\EasyPost\Mailroom\

In Mailroom version 6 the DBTool will ONLY connect to the database service running on the locahost. 

See DBTool help for usage and options or alternatively use the inline help directly available on the command line by running

dbtool.exe –h